ADA Law & Lawsuits - Section 9
ADA Law & Lawsuits Online Class
In this section, we get to a topic that should be of interest to any business that has a website (and does not want to be sued) – ADA website compliance. This falls within the broader topic of “auxiliary aids and services” that the law requires to be provided to the disabled (such as, for example, interpreters and closed captioning) and includes making visual materials perceivable by the blind and visually impaired. This has been widely interpreted to require that websites must be usable by the blind and visually impaired. We cover this topic in detail, including what it means to make a business website ADA compliant.
Up Next in ADA Law & Lawsuits Online Class
ADA Law & Lawsuits - Section 10
In this section, we cover the reasons why so many of these lawsuits are filed against American businesses, and what a disabled plaintiff can hope to achieve by suing a business for ADA noncompliance. This includes coverage of the injunctions that disabled plaintiffs seek against businesses that t...
ADA Law & Lawsuits - Section 11
In this section, we cover the fact that thousands of these lawsuits are filed by a relatively small number of disabled plaintiffs, often referred to as serial lawsuit filers, or “tester plaintiffs.” The concept of the tester lawsuit in the civil rights context is discussed, including how it has t...
ADA Law & Lawsuits - Section 12
In this section, we discuss some final issues, including ways for businesses to check whether they are ADA compliant (other than looking up the rules themselves), and certain benefits and advantages of becoming ADA compliant (other than avoiding lawsuits) such as creating access for disabled indi...